Thursday, June 2, 2011

I want my muffin and juice....and juice and muffin

Those are the demands I receive every morning from a high pitched little voice at about 6:08 am. I'm so glad I'm awakened every morning by a little hand shaking the crap out of my arm or solid patting on the head. I was wondering why I wasn't blessed with a sleeper, like the rest of the kids in the extended family. I fear it was the two jobs I was working while pregnant and the lack of sleep I went through. Apparently she inherited my sleep patterns. This child won't sleep until 7:00...ever.

A couple of months ago, I purchased a 'stay in bed' clock from one of my favorite sites Onestepahead. We were both so excited because it was a simple product that has a cow sleeping on the bottom and a cow dancing in a tutu on the top half. Depending on how you set it, one of those halves will be illuminated so the child knows if she should stay in bed or go ahead and get up and dance. It worked like a charm the first couple of weeks, but now she ignores what the cow is doing and comes in to wake me at all hours of the night.

When asked why she is awake when her cow is still sleeping, her response is generally "because I'm awake" or "because I want to sleep in you bed". Makes no sense but she thinks it's a legitimate answer. I don't feel like I'm asking for much, even sleeping until 7 would be a treat. I've got her so ingrained in a routine though, that I don't think it is breakable at this point. Oh, and the banana muffin and juice is the first thing she wants about five seconds after she wakes up.

Ah well, on to another night of ignoring the cow!

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