Tuesday, May 31, 2011

American Idolized

So I admit by posting this that I watch and generally love American Idol. I have watched since season one and found during season eight that the music and singing soothed my colic ridden infant. So, while she was inconsolable between the hours of 11 pm-1:30 am, I watched the recorded version of AI. She since has enjoyed last season and now I had to re-watch each episode during a time she was awake. I also admit, she watched me pathetically cry happy cries when I heard some of the songs and when I watched the hometown visits. She always asked me if I was happy and why I was crying.

This weekend, while it was pooring cats and dogs she asked if she could watch American Idol. I told her it was over but she could watch a recording and she jumped up and down and ran to get her own microphone. I was cooking food for a party we were having so I could hear her singing and saw her flying through the living room while there was singing. A commercial came on and she ran into the kitchen and said "Mom(emphatically), I want Lauren." It was at that moment I questioned my parenting skills. Should I be raising a child that at 2 1/2 knows the contenstants names? Is this ok? So I laughed it off and fast-forwarded through the commercials to appease her.

A few minutes later, she was in the center of the living room dancing and singing to Beyonce's song 'All the single ladies'. I think she walked around until this morning singing "Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh". She knows that part and "if you like it, you should have put a ring on it". She won't stop singing it. I think now I'm not the only one questioning my parenting skills. It only leads me to ask her if she thinks she can be the next American Idol. Her answer is yes. We shall see what happens next season.

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