Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journey across bridges

I thought this photo is poignant to many peoples' lives but it speaks to me because it is beautiful and clearly shows we will have to cross bridges whether we're ready or not. In my life, it seems there is always another bridge waiting around the corner. I often say, "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it", but the bridges become more frequent. This photo represents important decisions that must be made that don't just affect me,but impact my daughter as well. I can no longer just ignore or delay big decisions as I could in years past.

I like that the bridge is lined with a bright, happy color, like the yellow brick road was. It signifies that there are potentially easier times ahead once you cross it, and it tell me not to fear the unknown. With an ever-inquisitive youngster at my feet, I have to remember demonstrate to her that we will always power on and fearlessly cross into the uknown. I have a smart one on my hands and I wasn't prepared for all of the questions and what I consider as deep thinking or insight from a toddler, but she is consistently my bright spot and tells me "It is ok, Mom. It's going to be ok". I don't even know what prompts her to say that as I generally don't show her my fear, anxiety or even sadness when I feel it. I think she just senses it sometimes. I surmise that this picture speaks loudly to me as it unveils a secret path for my daughter and I to journey together on.

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