Thursday, May 26, 2011

About this blog

I used to be one of those people who observed other mom's and would say "I'll never yell at my kids like that" or "I'll never let my kids do that." Funny how things change when you have your own.

I thought blogging about the adventures of being a single mother (of advanced age) as the doctors put it, and full-time student would be a great way to share the tremendous laughter and the small hardships I get to be participate in. Khaos - the original Greek word for what we call Chaos, means gaping void as well as complete disorder and utter confusion. I can completely relate to this as a state of mind. I have lost control and order of my house and now a 2 year old rules my life. I'm pretty sure my 'pregnancy brain' never went away as I can't remember anything. If it wasn't for my Iphone calendar and notes to remind me I don't know what I'd do. Too bad my daughter also knows how to use my phone and mysteriously deletes things.

My hope is people can laugh and cry right along with me through the stories because I know I'm not alone and I would love to feel connected again to adults.

My daughter inspires me to soldier on as equally as she drives me crazy and wears on my last nerve. Often, I bite my tounge to keep from yelling like a crazy person. I know many people are in the same proverbial 'boat' as we are but sometimes it is important to let it out and share the joy, tears, and all the lessons learned. I credit my daughter for breathing new life into me and helping me see what is truly important. Our journey together has been fanstastic so far, now if I could just get her to poop on the potty.

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