Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Poop on the potty celebration!

Who would have thought a sane person could make such a fuss about pooping on the potty? My daughter is not fully potty trained yet and we've been working on it for several months. This may be the slowest process I've experienced yet in motherhood. It is grueling and I've had to purchase more ten dollar packs of charcter underwear than I ever expected. The laundry washing is out of control.

Every day Alina either holds it (which is not healthy) or goes in her pants. I am an extreme Dreft user, especially the laundry stain remover because it even removes all traces of you know what...poop. I should buy stock in this product because I spend a ton on it but it is well worth it to save the clothes.

Anyway, Monday night brought a mini celebration because in our normal routine of me demanding she "try to go potty", she went in on her own and actually pooped on the potty. She yelled to me in song that she was "pooping on the potty, Mommy!" I jumped up and down, hugged her and made a huge deal out of it. Then I promised her a special treat and gave her extra time past bed time to eat it.

I can't figure out if this whole excitement thing on my part is pathetic or just another normal mom way of celebrating success. Either way, this kid better make it routine. I'm tired of washing Elmo and Dora gotchies (our word for underpants) on a daily basis.

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