Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Excuse me....Excuse me!

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posts, we had a very busy weekend with a community garage sale which was a disappointment and a lot of hard work, lots of homework for me, and a Greek Festival that we attended. So Alina and I were exhausted come Sunday night.

On to my post. I have been trying for some time now to teach Alina to use manners if she must interrupt when adults are talking or when I'm talking to someone else. She has been pretty good at remembering to at least say "excuse me" but sometimes her persistence leans toward annoying.

Monday evening we were at a church meeting and she was the only child there so one of the ladies said she could play in the toddler room which was filled with toys. She went in there and was quiet for some time but as my Mom was speaking to the group of ladies, out ran a rainbow dress laden kid spouting "Excuse me, excuse me Mommy, I have to go poopy!" Needless to say I was mortified. Happy she used good manners, but mortified. You could already hear a pin drop and her voice is like mine...it carries.

So aside from being embarrassed, which I'm sure will be happening for many years to come, I am happy to report that Monday night made 8 straight days she went poop on the potty! No more budgeting diapers into my grocery trips!

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