Sunday, July 10, 2011

I was looking for the poopy spot

Hi all, I know it's been a while since I've posted, and I am going to blame my summer classes on that, but I'm going to get back on track and will keep up to date with my posts. I hope everyone is having a good summer so far. We are having a nice summer even though I have tons of homework still!

So there seems to be a problem with teaching our little kids to get out of the pool and go behind the deck to go pee in the pee spot so not to get water tracked all over the house...It's confusing enough for my 2 year old who is potty trained but not sure about walking behind the deck while she's dripping we to go pee pee. (I know, it's gross), but as much as the kids have to go potty we'd apparently rather have them not go in the pool!

Well, Alina finds it fascinating, but when she went back there for longer than I would expect for a quick pee pee, we went back there to find she was pooping in her bathing suit. She just said, "Mommy, I was looking for the poopy spot". I couldn't believe she actually went back there, but she thought if it was ok to go potty,then that meant all kinds of potty.

Needless to say, the family found it hysterical. I wasn't sure if I should be mad or feel bad for her. I ended up explaining to her that it is not ok to go poopy outside in the pee pee spot...